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Leading the Way: Approaches in Biomarker Testing for HRD

Forming the Oncology Committee


Welcome to Leading the Way

Chapter 1

Collaborate Across Oncology Specialties and Tumor Types

Chapter 2

Revamped Workflows

Chapter 3

Monitor Testing Orders With Commercial Labs

Chapter 4

Develop Strong Relationships With IT


More from this 3-part series

Importance of Pilot Efforts
With Dana Clark, MS, LCGC

A Standardized Approach With
S. Michelle Shiller, DO, AP/CP, MGP

Program Objectives

Learn the benefits of forming an oncology committee that collaborates across oncology specialties and tumor types.

Explore how to create a simple and reliable workflow process.

Discover the importance of monitoring orders with commercial labs.

Develop strong relationships with IT and understand the benefits of embedding them into standardization efforts.

Clinical Perspectives
Presented by:

Dr Neff

Robert Neff, MD

Gynecologic Oncologist

Courtney Rice, MS, LCGC

Courtney Rice, MS, LCGC

Genetic Counselor
Director of Precision Medicine

All HCPs were compensated for their participation in this program.


For educational purposes only. Tips and strategies discussed are based on the experiences of individual healthcare providers and their institutions and are not meant to represent universal standards in HRD testing. There is no guarantee that these strategies will work for all institutions.